Natalie Boey Mei Yern (0941716)
Lim Hui Lin (0941323)
Emily Tee Jia Qi (0941378)
Chua Mei Qi Maggie (0941451)
Joyce Oh Swee Ting (0941521)
profile DOPT/FT/1B/04 Natalie Boey Mei Yern (0941716) Lim Hui Lin (0941323) Emily Tee Jia Qi (0941378) Chua Mei Qi Maggie (0941451) Joyce Oh Swee Ting (0941521) |
Friday, January 1, 2010 @ 6:42 PM
Adies Tonic Pupil Adies tonic pupil which is also known as Adies Holmes Syndrome (HAS), is a neurological disorder affecting the pupil of the eye and the autonomic nervous system. The characteristic of this disease is that one eye’s pupil is larger than normal and constricts slowly in bright light, along with the absence of Achilles Tendon. HAS is the result of viral and bacterial infection which causes inflammation and damage to the neurons of ganglion cells – an area of the brain that controls eye movement and spinal ganglion - an area of the brain involved in the response of the autonomic nervous system. HAS begins gradually in one eye, and often progresses to involve the other eye. At first, it may only cause the loss of deep tendon reflexes on one side of the body, but then progress to the other side. People with the syndrome may also show symptom of excessive sweating. The condition is most commonly seen in young women.Doctors may prescribe reading glasses to compensate for impaired vision in the affected eye, and pilocarpine drops to be applied 3 times daily to constrict the dilated pupil. Holmes-Adie syndrome is not life-threatening and do not affect your normal lifestyle, thought the loss of the deep tendon reflexes is permanent. On the other hand, some of the symptom of this disorder may progress. In most cases, pilocarpine drops and glasses will help patients to improve vision. reference: 0 comments |